In 2011, my bike was stolen. Rather than accepting this as the cost of living in the city, I chose to take action. I put the word out to my mountain bike team and, within an hour, the news had reached more than 9,700 cyclists. Thirty days later, a friend of a friend of a friend notified me that my bike was on eBay along with a dozen laptops, a handful of $500 Home Depot gift cards and some expensive photography equipment.
With the help of the Seattle Police Department, I got my bike back. But without my network and a lot of luck, it never would have happened.
There had to be a better way.
So, in 2013, we set out to create a sustainable program that helps reduce bike theft, promotes cycling, and makes cities and campuses more bike-friendly. The result is the 529 Garage.
Our strategy is simple - galvanize riders, shops, police, schools and cities around the globe with a common set of tools that allow communities to become better organized than the criminals. Cities that we have joined forces with have seen meaningful, double-digit results in the first two years.
We are a purpose, not profit-driven company, motivated to make a meaningful dent in this epidemic and to keep you riding. Join us on our quest by
registering your bike
and getting your community signed up with our program.
J Allard
Founder, Project 529