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529 Garage Ambassador Program Code of Conduct

The 529 Garage Ambassador Program is dedicated to creating a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive environment for all participants. Our Code of Conduct outlines our expectations for the behavior of our ambassadors, as well as the values we hold as a community. By joining the 529 Garage Ambassador Program, you agree to uphold these guidelines and help create a positive experience for everyone involved.

  • Be respectful and considerate: Treat others with kindness, understanding, and respect. Avoid using offensive language, making personal attacks, or engaging in any form of harassment or discrimination.
  • Act with integrity: Be honest, responsible, and accountable for your actions. Ensure that your behavior reflects positively on the 529 Garage Ambassador Program and the cycling community.
  • Communicate openly and constructively: When sharing feedback, ideas, or concerns, do so in a respectful and constructive manner. Be open to receiving feedback from others and consider their perspectives.
  • Promote inclusivity: Encourage participation from individuals of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and skill levels. Be mindful of potential barriers to participation and strive to make the program accessible to all interested parties.
  • Respect privacy: Protect the personal information of fellow ambassadors, program participants, and community members. Do not share contact information, photographs, or other personal details without explicit consent.
  • Keep others safe: Ensure that your actions do not endanger the safety of others, especially when it comes to retrieving a stolen bicycle. Project 529 does not encourage or condone vigilante behavior.
  • Stay positive: Be enthusiastic about not only 529 Garage, but other programs and initiatives that support the cycling community. Avoid disparaging other organizations or individuals.
  • Adhere to laws and regulations: Comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies while participating in the 529 Garage Ambassador Program.
  • Represent 529 Garage professionally: When engaging with the public, presenting at events, or posting on social media, maintain a professional demeanor and represent the 529 Garage brand positively.

529 Garage is a community
initiative supported by
Sundays Bicycle Insurance

529 Garage is a community
initiative supported by
Sundays Bicycle Insurance